Image thanks to Zoe Adrian of Toronto. Between islands in Georgian Bay. I have pushed from shore Like some Indian lore And the birch craft Takes over my need. To be on the Lake For some reverie’s sake As the bush fells its amber Un-treed. But the moment lifts As my craft just drifts. I intend to wait quiet For stars. And the North One, my friend. Til autumn’s chilled end. And canoe lifted lone To shed’s bars. Several months the Lake glassed. Several months my treks passed. But the Hope lingers Long like rich wine. For the white throat’s Sweet song To May flowers belongs. And paddling, in aroma of pine. *In tribute to E. Pauline Johnson of Brant County, our national Indian Princess of Verse and the wilds. Have a look at the collection entitled Flint and Feather. 1917 copyright