

This field was loaded

With fun, when bloodhound got

Out on the run.

A quick double-back.

And surely a whack

Was got from the

Branch overhung.

Fox’ bag was full

Of cute pranks

Some urine shot

High up a bush

Bespoke a beast

Larger, not shy.

And hound dog

Would tremble the thought

“This fox is much meaner

Than I.”

Much taller as well

What the hell…I’m

Flummoxed in

This idiot’s eye.

Good bye.

(Art by Robert Bateman*)

Reynard the Fox is one of the great poems of the English countryside and rural life. The headlong dash of John Masefield's narrative carries the reader on an exhilarating chase through the meadows and copses of the landscape the poet loved, pursued by a richly characterised community.


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