Hyena Ballet.


The  hyena laughs in disdain
Announcing the hunt.
The stalking, slumped over shape.
As if there were no confidence
In mass, speed, jaws.

It is one hour past sunset
Lingering reds and oranges
Backing the acacia’s profile
Now just melancholic

Sounds of night setting in
The belching of a male Lion.
The mewing of the pride’s children.
The impatient prattle of the vultures.
The whinny of an over-tired zebra.

Hyenas see the weary wildebeest
And her newborn.
The latter is on the menu.
There will be terrible hours
Of circling, nipping, laughing
Munching on under-parts
Harassing the poor Mother.

Her duty clear in instinct.
Repelling in all directions.
Her stamina waning.
The baby somewhat oblivious.
Never to discover another dawning.
Though hard the Mama


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