
That old eagle.

  The farmer found it at the headland of his corn acreage next to the woodlot. Apparently it had injured its wing and it looked rather comical hopping around in an effort to stay clear. But in moments when it rested he could not help but admire its streamlined shape, glimmering plumage and penetrating gaze - a golden eagle.With a make-shift cage he was able to contain it and bring it to the barnyard where it was staked in a semi-shaded area not far from the ducks and chickens. With all the barn cats around, it was not hard to come up with harassed or partially eaten rodents which proved acceptable to the guest. The rudimentary dressing and splint appeared to be doing the job and the bird was improving daily. The farmer noticed that the eagle was beating a path to and fro his stake. He would often notice the bird looking skyward as if waiting for something or someone. With the exception of a couple of brief scuffles, the domestic fowl stayed clear of him. They watched and studied how he

Watch out for Croc.


Lady Muskoka

  Day was bright Nancy on day off Invited two friends To drive up to Bracebridge And cruise Lake Muskoka. Office demands had torn Off strips. Now for a forget-it-all break. Great space in the covered Over section by food counter One tasty sausage on a bun. Then up to the bow. Three chairs had Opened up. Just the ticket. Sun on the face. Lapping sound of waters. Noticing cormorants Flying fast and low. Some giggles. Much silence, appreciating. Together . To be remembered.

Elephant Grieving

  Again I have been enlightened from Psalm 103 by Mark Guy Pearse. (1842-1930; Cornish Methodist preacher) "Who satisfieth thy mouth (ornament, spirit) with good things;" He suggests that in all the kingdom of living beings man alone is dissatisfied , and most seriously so. He may surpass other creatures in reasoning power, use of tools, communication, team work, creativity, joy, grief and other emotions. He has shown himself to have dominion over much of his environment, making it serve his purposes. But he remains a searcher with a need which cannot be satisfied by the things around him. He is after the goodness of God. Pearse reminds us that this is the image (reflection) in which Adam was formed, which reflection was lost in large part in the Fall. It is as if the heart of man universally cries somewhere within, " I shall be satisfied when I awake with His likeness." Now hear Pearse: "Think then- If there should come to thee One who knows thee through and t

Song of the White-throat

  Early June fishing Lake Temagami Of Grey Owl fame. Waters really cold still. Once my Dad fell in. Almost couldn’t keep afloat. Everything seized up. Beware of moose in passing If one appears He might try to Climb into your boat. Or so say the people On the Bear Island FN Reserve. Bracing mornings Hardy appetite CBC Radio news and Stompin Tom Connors music. Scrambled sausage brown toast. Gather the rods and tackle. Aluminum skiff. Evinrude. Off for sightseeing. Morning loon dances And pickerel. Remember the tanning lotion And compass.

Chilly morning but well planned. Exciting.

This one is worth the chilly hike Boots dampened And lower jeans. Pine branches into my face. Lots of bug spray. Had a chance week ago. But this is dawning And the framing possibilities Are spectacular. Brought a longer lens Already on the tripod. Attagirl. Remove the fuss in setup As much as you can. And the sky still Fairly dark Suggests clouds with character. Now here is the spot. Pretty good ground. Adjust level features. HERE HE COMES… SO WORTH IT.